Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Education Outreach and Student Training
After we conducted training, we received some. Jackie, a visiting nurse at the clinic did a session on scrubbing-in and surgical prep. Dr. Charles Powell (neonatologist) gave us a talk on neonatal resuscitation. "Airway-airway-airway... breathing-breathing-breathing." Very good talk, I learned a lot in spite of being a lawyer.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Trip to Market

Day 19 – Tuesday Hedgehog
Tried to get $ from ATM today but no luck. Some SparrowNET crap. Ugh. If I could find that sparrow with its net I would smack it silly. Went to a Maasai jewelry shop with Paula. So many beads!
In clinic today, some boys dropped off a request for an STD lecture for secondary school students. Priyanka and I will be working on that for Thursday. Yay!
Also, I ran into a hedgehog after dinner. It sniffed in my direction.
Something bit me...

Day 18 – Monday chores and horrible creatures in our bungalow. ACK!
Priyanka found a giant tarantula in one of our bathrooms, right on the shower drain. He totally stared down the camera. Yes, I squealed!!
Then, just as we were calming down from that experience, Sarah walks in and says, “what’s this on the floor?” The “this” was a giant millipede, about 6 inches long. At least! I know it looks small but compare it to the power strip!! I tried to pick it up with a cup and it wriiiithed. So I REALLY squealed. The night guard came up to our door/fence with the machete unsheathed and ready to rumble. I handed him the cup with the curled up millipede. His eyes showed no sympathy with my emotional condition and he nonchalantly flung the milllipede into the bush in front of my house. Frank, I want to move to
Day 17 – Sunday! Pool! Tunza!

JJ (a good friend who is also the son of one of the staff members at IHP) and I also had some fun hamming it up for the camera. JJ speaks fluent English and Swahili. He is 6. I feel dumb.
The Dala Dalas

A “Dala dala” is a bus that goes around Mwanza and its vicinity. It’s actually more like a glorified van. For just a few shillings you can go to most places in town, with only a few caveats such as terribe drivers, buses packed so full people have to disembark via window, and pickpockets. A major plus is the bus “personality.” My personal favorites are the “Dogg(y) Style” bus and the John Cena bus. John Cena is HUUUGE in Mwanza. I don’t know either...

Day 16: Temple Visit

A large group of new volunteers arrived from
Day 15: A jog and a scared patient
Was supposed to observe an incarcerated hernia surgery today but no dice. The woman did not show up, was too scared. The clinic does not collect patients’ phone numbers or addresses so we couldn’t call and see what was going on. One of the things I think will change by the end of this summer...
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Views of Mwanza and Driving
Most of the roads in Mwanza city are paved, with the obvious exception of "rough" street. Roads outside town, except the highway, are not paved. Apparently the Japanese paved these roads as a (successful) strategy of generating new customers for Japanese cars. However, people prefer to sweep and splash water on walked areas to keep the dust and debris down. People commonly walk alongside the highway as well as ride bicycles or push/pull carts. The traffic can move pretty fast when the road is empty but it can get very congested and people don't frown on passing using the opposite lane even in heavy traffic. People just kind of shift out of the way. Honking is not very common and angry yelling is even less so; almost never, actually. Driving LOOKS very hazardous but I have yet to see a single auto or pedestrian collision (knock on wood).
1) not REALLY from Texas...

3) A look out of the back of our Land Rover onto Rough Street.
4) A typical store on the side of the road.

5) A view of the lake from Mwanza city, not far from the center.

9) A taxi stand in front of a secondary school. Way in the back, you can see the large brown building. This is Bugando Hospital.

10) My favorite children's store in the WORLD. Note it says "BABY" behind the thing with the ears... Oy.

Days 13-14: Observing Procedures!
Friday, May 28, 2010
Feral Dogs, Cats, and Butterflies

I also saw this pack of wild dogs just across from the clinic on my way from work.

Thursday, May 27, 2010
Days 11-12: Busy Clinic

Here I am with Miriam (to my right) the head nurse who knows everything there is to know about the clinic and who paaatiently taught me reg. and billing procedures (as well as some Swahili) on Monday and Victoria, a physician here at the clinic, to my left.

To our right at the top is a picture of current President Kikwete and to the left, the older gentleman, is Julius Nyerere - the first leader of Tanzania after the country gained independence. Many offices in TZ display both photos as Nyerere is on their currency as well. The interesting thing about him is that, as President, Nyerere was outspoken about trying to make sure his family did NOT follow him into politics and pretty much prevented his son from running for national office. This was in order to protect Tanzania from "big man" politics that has infected so many other newly independent African states.
Next I worked a little in the diagnostic lab (the clinic runs HIV, pregnancy, urinalysis, stool, and blood sugar tests, among others plus pelvic and abdominal ultrasound exams) and called it a day. Not many people seem to get HIV tests (a small handful a day, at most)... may have something to do with the fact that they have to announce they want the HIV test done and pay for it in front of all the other patients. The clinic is too small for private conversations with the patients and written forms are not the norm because of the high illiteracy rate among patients in low-cost healthcare settings. So, the norm is loud - and very public conversation.
Day 10 - Sunday Dinner at Dr. Bon's
On our drive to Dr. Bon's, we saw the ONLY jogger in Mwanza making his way up the road. Poor guy...everyone seems to know him and everyone kind of laughs. :/
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Day 9 - Saturday Trips to Lake Vic and Dancing Rock

2) Park overlooking the lake It was peppered with some cow patties but otherwise

3) Dancing Rock!

On the other side of the vista there is a HUUUUGE boulder. The only person with ballz to climb it was a teenage girl (WIN). It's difficult because there are no footholds and you kind of have to scamble like a gecko. We cheered her on and she was shaking with giggles the whole way up. Here she is at the top. Good job!!

The Party Scene is so NOT off the hook... :) Pool Bar and Rockman Pub

Went to Rockman Pub with the 3 fellow volunteers, a new and relatively spiffy local establishment. We were served Vladimir Vodka (distilled in Tanzania) and Fanta. They don't pre-mix your cocktails, just bring the ingredients. I mostly chatted with Mboto, who is the IHP driver extraordinaire and was so patient for hauling us there and back. FYI, I am NOT drunk, I'm just squawking directions for the person taking the shot on where the "big button" is. :D
That is a carrier pigeon on my shirt, if you're curious.
A few days earlier, we had stopped by the Pool Bar here in the village (I don't think it's an official name - just that the little lodge has a pool table and a clean quiet bar) where Y and I were pretty entertained by the very correctly dressed woman on the Toilet sign.

Day 8 - Family Planning Clinic and Village Market

We visited the city Family Planning Center where the Nyakato clinic and others like it receive their contraceptive supplies. In order to receive a batch, the clinic must supply a report of how the previously-received batch was used. I'm assuming this is to prevent overpurchase and resale of supplies...
After that, we had to drop my housemate and fellow volunteer R at the airport but before we let her go we had lunch at one of the outdoor spots just by the airport building.

We each got a HUGE plate of (local) rice, plus beans, tomato sauce, spinach, and I ordered fish.They served tilapia from Lake Victoria. Even though you can't swim there, the tilapia is too good to pass up. Don't ask me why I'm making my rabbit face. I confuse "hungry" with "rabbit" for some reason...
Day 7 - 5/20
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Days 5-6: Work and Mwatex
Here's a taste. This is a view from the clinic. Where sick people are breathing.... And yes, lots of respiratory illness cases at the clinic. Just a random correlation, I guess!

Working out at the Bungalow
1 min burpees
1 min squats
1 min jumping jacks
[+100 V ups ]
Day 4 - Mon 5/17
Lots of upset kids, but clinic does dental extractions and circumcisions so I hardly blame them. Finished up around 4, only done w/ about 25% of the files, but covered in dust and bug poo from the file cabinet.

After work, went to the local tailor in the village. It's about a 15min walk. Tailor shop is next door to fabric shop. Each is basically a room. I now have a very accurate mental image of what a sweat shop is. :D There was mucho sweat, literally and figuratively, in those shops. Anyway, I got a large swath of fabric and ordered a dress. Total cost for everything - $7.
Here is a picture of Y and me with the tailor shop staff. They are fantastic and super friendly. If you are in Nyakato, you MUST go spend your shillings there. :)
Day 3 - Sun the 16
Was peeling potatoes in the kitchen and saw a family of mongooses sniffing around front yard. There are snakes around here they eat and also bugs, obviously.
L, Y, and M, other volunteers, arrived from safari today. They were thrilled with the trip.
Just before bed, finished my first book started here: "Adventures of the Hunt Sisters" or something. It's okay but has this quote that I can't get out of my head: "...hope is neither false nor true but a kind of happiness in itself, a fuel that carries us towards our dreams."
Monday, May 17, 2010
Day 2 - Saturday - Worked at Clinic
Chief complaints seem to be malaria and typhoid, with lots of suspected malaria. some reluctance to get HIV tests, but without outreach to encourage and de-stigmatize it, I'm not entirely surprised. I WAS surprised to learn that condom use is believe (locally) to do very little for preventing HIV transmission and MORE surprised to learn that this is true, because someone came up with the bright idea of reusing the condoms instead of buying them time and time again. Tell me again about why the free market is better than subsidized access to certain health care needs?? ;) Clinic does (and plans to do more) outreach and education to local students, although resources are scarce. Clinic also does dental extractions.
Overall - very very busy, but patients are tremendously patient. Service appears affordable but not free. Groups of children come in from nearby schools and orphanages. Info about the clinic was originally advertised in town (Mwanza) but now mainly spread by word of mouth by distributing flyers to women at the local markets (seems more effective).
More later...
Day 1: Working on the Patricia Ward

I spent Friday painting a suite in the new Patricia Ward for clinic patients. Right now the clinic is outpatient only, trying hard to expand (nearest hospital is at 120%-140% capacity).
I had neither ventilation nor a mask, so please excuse my paint-huffed crazyface. The electrician who took my picture was laughing. But I learned words from the other workers - nusu is half (i.e. I need another half a bucket of paint, yo) and nzuri is good (i.e. good job finishing the painting without passing out).
P.S.: Note how much the gloves have helped ensure I don't get any paint on myself. Yes, that white splotch in my hair is paint, shuddup.
Fire Ants for Breakfast
Did I mention fire ants can eat your freakin' leg off? So yeah, I BROAD JUMPED my butt over those guys. I must have set some kind of record for "jumping over fire ants en route to breakfast." Tough day.