Clinic is open half day on Saturdays so we put in the hours; it was busy! Afterward, however, Mboto and Dr. M took us out for some sightseeing in Mwanza! Here is a view of the lake from the road:

1) The pier (like a fisherman's wharf type of thingy) at Lake Victoria. Smelly smelly but amazing birds and views.

2) Park overlooking the lake It was peppered with some cow patties but otherwise

beautiful. You can see some locals behind me doing their laundry on the right. We try to not take pictures of the local people unless it's unavoidable (i.e. they walk into the shot) or they give their permission. Not only is it rude to objectify them like that but you may get yelled at or cursed by a Maasai. Not cursed AT, mind you...
cursed as in "abracadabra." So, anyway..this is me at the park.

Some likely schistosomiasis vectors at the beach (3 feet from swimming locals)
3) Dancing Rock!
The drive up to "Dancing Rock" in Mwanza was so scary I had to look away. Below is a picture of the road to give you an idea of the drive. You have to hold on because otherwise you will whack your head on the window or fellow passenger's noggin. Saw many goats and even piglets in the homes we passed. The horse is a dashboard bobblehead. I have no idea either...

The Dancing Rock itself is a complex constellation of enormous boulders that peak to a vista overlooking Mwanza as well as the Lake. My picture with Yelena really doesn't do it justice, the view was so so vast. I will upload other pics when I get them from the fellow volunteers.
On the other side of the vista there is a HUUUUGE boulder. The only person with ballz to climb it was a teenage girl (WIN). It's difficult because there are no footholds and you kind of have to scamble like a gecko. We cheered her on and she was shaking with giggles the whole way up. Here she is at the top. Good job!!

After the trip we were hungry and tired and decided to go to a highly highly recommended local restaurant. Well, it sucked. We sat for 3 hrs looking at this:

Tai Five restaurant is ass, don't go there. I never got my Ughali either. >:/ Separate Eugi from her food and she shall FLAME you!
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