Most of the roads in Mwanza city are paved, with the obvious exception of "rough" street. Roads outside town, except the highway, are not paved. Apparently the Japanese paved these roads as a (successful) strategy of generating new customers for Japanese cars. However, people prefer to sweep and splash water on walked areas to keep the dust and debris down. People commonly walk alongside the highway as well as ride bicycles or push/pull carts. The traffic can move pretty fast when the road is empty but it can get very congested and people don't frown on passing using the opposite lane even in heavy traffic. People just kind of shift out of the way. Honking is not very common and angry yelling is even less so; almost never, actually. Driving LOOKS very hazardous but I have yet to see a single auto or pedestrian collision (knock on wood).
1) not REALLY from Texas...

3) A look out of the back of our Land Rover onto Rough Street.
4) A typical store on the side of the road.

5) A view of the lake from Mwanza city, not far from the center.

9) A taxi stand in front of a secondary school. Way in the back, you can see the large brown building. This is Bugando Hospital.

10) My favorite children's store in the WORLD. Note it says "BABY" behind the thing with the ears... Oy.